i know this guy tech


I know what you’re thinking

You’re probably thinking, “why should I trust this guy?” or maybe “does this guy know what he’s talking about?”. If your looking for credentials and certifications you won’t find them here. Simply put, my experience with computers and technology is mostly self taught and my classroom was always in the school of hard knocks. I have made many mistakes and failed many times, but that is exaclty why you should trust me. If you hire me to help with your problem, and I agree, then that means that I have faced that issue before and have successfully resolved that issue not in a classroom, but in the real world.

Maybe this will help…

Most of the experience that I have gained in many of my areas of expertise have come while helping the churches that I served (yup…I’m a pastor) and other non profits who weren’t paying me anything for my services. I know what I know, because it has helped me, to help others. Honestly I wish I could help everyone for free, but this guy has bills to pay, and I still think I can save you some money over some of the other options that you may be considering.